aktualni publikace
Total number of publications: 43
Show me how to live : transactional advocacy organizations, managerial populism, and the EU
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, year: 2024, volume: 32, edition: 4, DOI
Stand-up for integration : stand-up comedy and its effects on social integration of expats and other migrants
HUMOR : International Journal of Humor Research, year: 2024, volume: 37, edition: 1, DOI
Stories with the terrain, stories with the ice : Storytelling as a socio-material practice
Journal of Material Culture, year: 2024, volume: 29, edition: 3, DOI
Structural opportunities or assortative mating? – Decomposing trends and country differences in educational sorting outcomes in marriages
European Societies, year: 2024, volume: 26, edition: 4, DOI
Technology as (Dis-)Enchantment. AlphaGo and the Meaning-Making of Artificial Intelligence
Cultural Sociology, year: 2024, volume: 18, edition: 1, DOI
The gender-gap reversal in tertiary education and its implications for inequality of educational opportunity in European countries
SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS-CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, year: 2024, volume: 2024, edition: neuveden, DOI
Theory of Society and Cultural Sociology. Niklas Luhmann and After
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY, year: 2024, volume: N/A, edition: N/A, DOI
„Vím, že jsou tam inteligentní lidi.“ Volba soukromé školy rodiči jako investice do sociálního kapitálu
Sociologický časopis, year: 2024, volume: 60, edition: 5, DOI
(Un)Problematising and Reshaping : Discourse Analysis of the Rural Poor’s Representation in Poverty-Alleviation Texts During the Xi and Hu Eras
Discourse, Rhetoric and Shifting Political Behaviour in China, edition: Vyd. 1st ed., year: 2024, number of pages: 18 s.
Connecting with connected migrants : exploring the field of digital migration studies
Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration, year: 2024, number of pages: 15 s.