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doc. Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky, Ph.D.
Professional orientation
Nadya is a cultural sociologist in the tradition of the Strong Program, who focuses on the meaning-making process in her research on international migration. She received her B.A. from Wellesley College and her M.A., M.Phil. and PhD from Yale University. Her PhD dissertation was a cultural sociological analysis of debates about unauthorized immigrants in the United States: ‘It’s just not Main Street anymore!’ Mapping Out the Boundaries of Belonging in a New Immigrant Gateway.
Research interests
Migration, especially political debates about unauthorized migrants and refugees; social movements and how they mobilize online; media representations of people on the move and how media affect public opinion; the relationship between populism and migration discourses
Personal interests
Watching good movies and television shows; reading long, long books of historical fiction; hiking and spending time in the forest
Selected publications
Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya. 2016. The Boundaries of Belonging: Online Work of Immigration-Related Social Movement Organizations. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. and Bernadette N. Jaworsky. 2014. Obama Power. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Binder, Werner and Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky. 2018. “Refugees as Icons: Culture and Iconic Representation.” Sociology Compass 12(3): DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12568.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. and Bernadette N. Jaworsky. 2017. “The Facticity of Symbols: A Reply to Morton Keller.” International Journal of Political and Cultural Sociology 30(3): 317-22.
Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya. 2015 “Mobilising for Immigrants’ Rights Online: Creating Symbols of Belonging to the ‘American’ Nation.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 36(5): 579-99.
Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya. 2013. “Immigrants, Aliens and Americans: Mapping out the Boundaries of Belonging in a New Immigrant Gateway.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 1(2): 221-53.
Cadge, Wendy, Peggy Levitt, Bernadette N. Jaworsky and Casey Clevenger. 2013. “Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities." International Migration 51(3): 84-98.
Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya, Peggy Levitt, Wendy Cadge, Jessica Hejtmanek and Sara Curran. 2012. “New Perspectives on Immigrant Contexts of Reception: The Cultural Armature of Cities.” Nordic Journal of Migration Research 2(1):78-88.
Levitt, Peggy and B. Nadya Jaworsky. 2007. “Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends.” Annual Review of Sociology 33: 129-56.